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“This is goddamn insane, this ride. We’re going to die. What were we thinking?”

I always ask myself the same question at a certain point in any preposterous endurance endeavor. But it was still early in the day, and besides, the thought should never be uttered aloud.

Zero American cross-country skiers have medaled in a major distance event in 33 years. That was until yesterday, at least, when Jessie Diggins and Caitlin Gregg did just that.

Running for president frequently involves the unnatural pursuit of the natural. It’s like trying to choose a spouse through the Miss America Pageant or The Bachelor. How do you begin to get a sense of what someone is really like through an oddly ritualized process that seems to inevitably embarrass everyone?

After the EPO kicked in, I rode a 200-miler and I felt strong, fresh, ready to hammer. The next day I easily could have ridden another 200.

How We Lost Trust in the U.S. Government

The Vietnam War dominated the presidential campaign of 1968. The North Vietnamese Tet Offensive was launched on January 30, in the middle of the primary battle. A month later, shortly before the war forced President Johnson out of the race, a UPI reporter interviewed Nixon and wrote: “Former Vice President Richard M. Nixon vowed Tuesday that if elected president, he would ‘end the war’ in Vietnam. He did not spell out how.”

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